Monday, November 14, 2005

The thesis

Well this week is meant to be the last week of uni I have.  Ever.  Even if I wanted to I probably couldn’t do any more time as a student.  Bit weird really.  I have spent 8 years as a student – I know what to do, I do student pretty good now!  I know the uni system quite well, know most people worth knowing and can get stuff done quickly and efficiently.  I even have influence in some cases.  So after Friday I won’t have any of that hard earned comfort as I will hand in the PhD and after a week of holidays, back out into the workforce of gainful employment.  Bit scary really.  I’ll have to work in a team, communicate, all those sort of things.  I’m looking forward to it, it might just take some time to settle into a new role.

No chance of switching the brain off though.  The unfortunate by-product of being a scientist is you always have to secure your next job – so while I have 6 months of work lined up everything is a bit grey after that.  The plant breeding job I will be in may continue, or not.  The other option is to apply for funds to continue on my current research as a post doc.  Either way I will apply and if successful either do that or become a CI (supervisor) to the project.  Big year ahead!    

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

true-tunes... go have a look Posted by Picasa


Here is a new venture from a good mate of mine.  We have been playing music together ever since I learned guitar and have spent many hours jamming, busking and even a few performing.  He is a gifted songwriter and has always dreamt about getting his music “out there”.  So, thanks to the magic of the internet he has set up a nice little site where people can download songs, for free, to have a listen.  He has some songs produced in a studio and others that are just demos (note one by a Cam Beeck!).  In time there will be many more demos added and hopefully some more moved into the production section! Go to  Rodney, if you’re reading this with your radio mind, feel free to have a listen ;-)


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Me and Jack enjoying some afternoon cuddles before the onslaught of visitors!! Posted by Picasa

Jack Nathan Beeck. Came into the world on the 1-11-2005. Praise God!! Posted by Picasa