Monday, February 28, 2005

Reborn Korn

What an inspiring post. here. Its a guy who was in a mega band and decided that money and the trappings of materialism didn't stack up - he wanted to redirect he life to God in a radicle way - talk about sending out the challenge.

from phils blog

(Like my title for this blog?!! :-) )

Friday, February 25, 2005

lack of blogs...

haven't blogged for ages - there really isn't much happening. Appart from trying to get some good writting done for this thesis thing.

Old Rivo is going good - starting a church wide equiping course and the building process for a new auditorium has started the first few stages...

Really looking forward to this Sunday night - I'm up for leading again and I haven't played in ages! Should be good - got some great songs lined up...

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Kimberly Canal

The WA election campaign is hotting up. The main idea in debate is the Kimberly Canal. What a ridiculous idea. The idea of building a canal 3,700km to supply a Perth with water is so filled with holes i don't know where to start.
The first i guess is to look at the history of fiddling with hydrological cycles in this country. Not many have been successful - history tells us, if you dont need to play with river/groundwater, dont. To illustrate this point, have a look at the murray-darling system and the huge effects that salinity is having on the farming systems nation wide.
Second is the huge environmental and social effects removing water from a fragile environment and through a fragile environment. To think that you can remove such large amounts of water from the fitzroy and have no negative effects is a ridiculous concept.
The last main point is as western humans we are intent on manipulating our environment to suit our lifestyle rather than accepting that we live in a harsh, water limiting environment - we should not manipulate and degrade our environment to suit of selfish way of life. A responsible government should be giving 100% rebate to grey water systems and 100% rebates to personal rainwater tanks. We haven't even given thought to ways to use the huge amounts of storm water that flows off our roads and buildings. To spend $2b on a crazy project when we haven't even tried the cheaper more responsible projects is utter stupidity.