Monday, October 31, 2005

yeah... boy brain

Your Brain is 40.00% Female, 60.00% Male

You have a total boy brain

Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts

And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...

You never like to get feelings too involved

The role of the Holy Spirit

Here is a good resource for wanting to know more about the Holy Spirit and how he impacts our lives – this resource is lifted from here and contains links to more information about the Holy Spirit and looks to be good stuff.


Question:  "What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today?"


Answer:  The Holy Spirit has (in the past and presently) many functions and roles. Below is a brief list of His major roles, functions, and activities. This is not a comprehensive list.


1. Revelation of the Word of God (2 Peter 1:20-21; Acts 1:16; 2 Samuel 23:2-3; John 14:26; 16:14). This indicates the Holy Spirit was the one who carried along the Old Testament prophets, safeguarding their words from error. 

2. In the Old Testament, it is indicated that the Holy Spirit regenerated believers (Psalm 51:10; compare to Jesus telling Nicodemus he should have known about this in John 3:1-10). 

3. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit indwelt certain select people (Numbers 27:18; Judges 3:10; 1 Samuel 16:12-13). 

4. In the Old Testament, it indicates that the Holy Spirit restrained sin (the Spirit's striving, Genesis 6:3).

5. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit gave people ability for service (Exodus 31:2-5; Numbers 27:16-18; Judges 6:34; 1 Samuel 10:10; 16:13). 

6. Today, the Holy Spirit baptizes believers. This baptism occurs at the moment of belief, it is experienced by all, and the baptism places the believer in the Body of Christ, the universal church (1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Galatians 3:27-28; Romans 6:3-5; Acts 1:5). 

7. Today, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer (Romans 8:9; John 7:37-39; Ephesians 1:13; John 14:16). 

8. Today, the Holy Spirit seals every believer (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). The seal is a mark of ownership showing that believers are the Lord's. 

9. Today the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers for the edification or building up of the body of Christ (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:11-16). 

10. Today, the Holy Spirit fills or controls the submissive believer (Ephesians 5:18).

11. He was sent to the church to be the Comforter (John 14:16, 26). 

12. He always points a person toward Christ (John 16:13-15).

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

God of the OT

Another Quote from the book “bono on bono” – and its in relation to a subjuct on my friends LJ


“There’s nothing hippie about my picture of Christ.  The Gospels paint a picture of a very demanding, sometimes divisive love, but love it is.  I accept the OT as more of an action movie: blood, car chases, evacuations, a lot of special effects, seas dividing, mass murder, adultery.  The children of God are running amok, wayward.  Maybe that’s why they’re so relatable.  But the way we see it, those of us who are trying to figure out our Christian conundrum, is that the God of the OT is like the journey from stern father to friend.  When you’re a child you need clear directions and some strict rules.  But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the OT, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship.  The New Testament, on the other hand, we look at a Jesus who looks familiar, horizontal.  The combination is what makes the Cross.”


Be Still

Quote from the book “Bono on Bono”


“Be silent, and know that I am God”.  That’s a favourite line from the Scriptures.  “Shut up and let me love you” would be the pop song.  It’s really what it means.  If ever I needed to hear a comment, it might be that.


I have borrowed this book from my local library – I encourage people to read it if you want to hear the message of Christianity without the jargon.  Very inspiring.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Church together

It was a very good night.  About 15-18000 people there.  Always good to see so many christians together with the same purpose and attitude. Having P.Colman to finish was a good option. It made the night a bit more for those staying on and also made dispursing easier as not everyone was trying to leave at once.
I know a number of people were a bit anoyed at the whole "you cant park on langley park" thing (me being one of them). There were no visible signs plus that is a normal parking venue for these sort of events. Then just being told from stage a very "you cant park there, dont blame us" was a bit off putting Having to go relocate the car 5 mins before the start of church was not the ideal preparation!
But that aside, nice night, nice concept. Maybe a music team including members from a few different churches may be a good touch in the future. May be very difficult but may go further to displaying that "we are doing this together"...


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The baby's coming

Not long now – well actually it could be, it just doesn’t feel like it should be that long.  We’re only at 38.5 weeks so there could be a while yet but we are very happy if it decides to come now – I know one of us would be very happy if it came now!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

blogging words to avoid

If at all possible, try to avoid the word debt in your blog.  All it does is encourage automatic comment generators to go and put crap comments on all you posts.  Very frustrating.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

spoof website

Here is a spoof Christian website – there are some chuckles but after a while gives the feeling “I can’t believe someone would put so much time into this!”