Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Ending up in places you never thought you would...

Got a comment asking where "accidental academic" came from.  To give a bit of background, I grew up in the SW of Western Australia, youngest son of wheat farmers.  Now my parents are smart people but they aren't university educated.  They are thinkers and taught us (two other brothers) how to think and make up our minds independently. 
I decided to go to uni when I thought that I didn't want to be a farmer but I still wanted to be involved in the industry, plus uni was the done thing at the time.  I just scraped in to a Ag science degree (quite a low entry requirement) and the long and the short of it is that I just scraped through that with honours (2nd class).
After looking around for a job for a while I heard rumours that a PhD in plant breeding was available, and because I needed something to do, I applied.  Normally you need 1st class honours to be accepted - but again - I scraped through and was accepted.  I have never been academically brilliant, but with 10 months to go until I finish, looking back I have nearly finished a path that I never intended on beginning.  I'm not saying that I shouldn't be here, but I think it proves to me that God has had something bigger planned all along, and all the scraping by has been Gods way of reminding me that he is in control and that he is the one who gives and takes away.
The next step is where now?  what has he got up his sleeve next?  I don't fully know but I'm trying my best not to worry about it as, in the past, he has everything worked out!

"That in all things God works for the good for those that love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

Monday, July 26, 2004

Just started this due to seeing this... http://brucethinx.blogspot.com ... and was inspired to start my own.  See what happens in the next few days...