Monday, December 13, 2004

Carols on the foreshore

Well the 'ol carols down on the shelley foreshore went really well last night - it ended up being beatiful weather and the music was really good. Its the first time in years I havn't been up on stage having orgainsed and put together the music - It was quite relaxing just being able to sit down and enjoy it but it also felt kind of weired! I think it is probably the reason christmas has crept up on me this year - I've normally being singing and practicing carols since the start of november and this year last night was my first crack at singing them!
But yeah - they went well, I reackon about 1500-2000 people were there, which is a pretty good showing, considering there were a couple of really big carols events around the area. I think the local community really waits for and supports our one on the river - its always a nice night!


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