bike to breakfast
Well you can never pass up a free breakfast so I thought I should ride and claim free food. Now my ride to work is normally a decent ride - about 50 mins of solid riding. About 1/4 of the way there I get a phone call from my wife - "the dog's not in the backyard!". He must have tried to follow me so I had to turn around and go and look for him while my wife went to the park (where we normally walk him). It turns out he just went down the park looking for some play action and was running up and down the cycle way looking for someone to play with him. So we got him home safely and the long and the short of it is that my ride ended up 30mins longer!!
Not all bad though - the brekky was very good and they had too much food so a good deal of hording was done for later snacks!
Not all bad though - the brekky was very good and they had too much food so a good deal of hording was done for later snacks!
I missed the Bike to Work Breakfast in the city for the first time in about 12 years this time.
I have an excuse though. I was sitting at Singapore Airport waiting to fly home.
50 minutes?! That's insane! 5 minutes in I would have had a heart attack and died right there.
Your wife sounds like a real bpoo poo head. I can't believe she made you come all the way back just to look for a stupid dog. Why couldn't the slacker just find it herself.
Your wife sounds like a real poo poo head. I can't believe she made you come all the way back just to look for a stupid dog. Why couldn't the slacker just find it herself.
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