Saturday, October 09, 2004


Went down to freo last night with a mate and did some busking - been about a year since we have done it and it was great fun to be back there. We haven't had a good jam for a while so it was a case of practicing down there!! We ended up getting about $30 for our troubles so thats a reasonable return for freo - we've had less and we've had more....
Some of the characters that are down there and who stop to listen (some for over and hour!) are quite interesting to say the least! Hve to do it again soon...maybe with a bit more practice under our belt.

We used to have a regular last year at Clancy's Fish Pub in Applecross but unfortunalty got pushed out in favour of a family member so that kinda's a great experience getting paid good money to do something like play some covers and origanals. We are always half (probably more quarter) looking for another gig so if anyone knows!?


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