Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The middle east

The Israel/Palestine situation has concerned me for some time. I'm not a Geo-political expert and therefore lack the understanding of the situation. As far as I can tell, both groups want the same bit of land - the temple mount - and are willing to fight for it. The other peice which is interesting is that some "chrisitans" (high end american politians) want to fund Israels plight as they believe as Gods chosen people that Jesus will only return when they occupy the holy land. It all seems a bit inconsistant with the God we know from the bible. Firstly, God places a premium on people and the church as a body of people, I can't se him caring about this peice of land like these people do. Secondly, why would God give the land back and bless Israel when they deny his Son as Lord and Saviour? It kind of all seems a bit backward as to how Jesus behaved and acted, the whole turn the other cheek and pray for your enemies sort of thing.

anyway anyone out there with a more insightful point of view? and is there a correst christian point of view?


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