Wednesday, June 07, 2006

long time no blog

Well its been a very long time since a blog.  A lot has happened and could probably be a good reason to use as an excuse.

The major things that have been going on are:

Handed final version of thesis in with corrections – I will now only answer to my name prefixed with Dr…

Jack has been growing steadily (7 months now)

Growing accustomed to my new job

Travelling to NZ for conference (april)

Writing and recording song (go to  Incidently go to this website and check out a whole bunch of songs, and keep a look out as they are original songs from local Perth people.


Anyway – must endeavour not to leave it so long, this only took 5 mins…



Blogger Rodney Olsen said...

Wow. I thought you'd packed up and gone home. Good to see you posting again.

3:44 pm  

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