Friday, July 08, 2005

stupid western economists

One of the most frustrating interviews I’ve seen


On SBS dateline show post Live8.  The interview was between a Global Justice activist and a “know it all” western economist.  Probably the below excerpt best typifies his attitude of “the west knows everything and the only way Africa is going to improve is if they doe everything like we do”.  Forget the idea that it is actually the west who is part of the problem for them being in the position they are currently in…

GEORGE NEGUS: Let me bring Alan in there. Short of regime change, ala Saddam Hussein, how do we deal with corrupt dictators where the current system is concerned? ALAN OXLEY: What should we do with the money, all this aid money? I think what we should do is set up the world's biggest scholarship fund and bring every young African who's interested on a scholarship to train in countries that work, let them see how it's done, let them go back to their own countries and build a new moral leadership for their countries.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention what was so stupid about the comment?

8:01 am  

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